Friday, January 8, 2010

Our Crazy Christmas Chaos

Travelling for Christmas is a challenge. Especially with two small children and a million presents. But as difficult as it occasionally seemed, it was definitely worth it! Miami was awesome and busy and exciting and exhausting and all together terrific. My entire family was there...all 23 of us!

We played in the Renfroe's new backyard.

Got some fresh air and family time.

We were able to visit with Malinda and Katie and meet Michael for the very first time!

The kids ALL looked gorgeous on Christmas Eve! What a fantastic crew they are.

(Left to Right- Parker, Shelby, Bryce, Carly, Marshall, Chloe, Payton, Hailey, Laney)

The Maupins didn't look too shabby :)

The Big Man was as handsome as ever, looking more and more like his daddy.

We woke up Christmas morning at Grammy and Grampy's house with Mom and Dad, Chris, Sarah, Carly and Laney. Santa had visited over night and left some rather fabulous goodies! He and I had chatted before the big day and arranged things so that Hailey's brand new bike would be left in Arizona but Chloe's bike would be on hand in Miami for practice riding. Little Miss Thing was overjoyed!

All of these pictures are blurry, which I don't fully understand, but I feel like they really capture the excitement of the morning!

Mr. Clean got his very own cart to cruise the house with. Why doesn't my house seem cleaner??

Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled.

Hailey is a fantastic bike rider...and Parker is a fantastic big sister follower!

I just love this picture. They look so proud and happy, and they are staring at my it!

That afternoon we all headed up to Boyton Beach, to Rick and Mef's house, for more presents, lots of food, and a sleepover. Soon after our arrival, Hailey and Jade claimed their spot in front of the tree.

Did I mention there were 23 of us??

Seriously. 23 people and 6 dogs. Good lord.

How cute is he?

This was a gift from the Renfroe's. Parker would happily spend all his time on the caterpillar, despite the fact that his feet don't touch the ground.

The girls all got matching dresses and looked so beautiful. And I love Hailey's lips in this shot. Hoochie.

This was taken the next morning after very little sleep. Don't they look happy? What you don't see is the MASSIVE tantrum that followed this joyous moment when I tried to get Hailey into jeans for our family portrait. It wasn't pretty. It all started over a wedgie and got completely out of hand from there. In all of the family pictures, you can either see the top of Hailey's head as she tries to kick and flail her way out of my arms, or her naked legs as I never actually got the jeans on her. Such a proud moment for me.

On Sunday, Grammy and Payton organized a Perrin Family Fishing Tournament. Those of you who know the Perrins, know that this is one of the things we do best! It was great- matching shirts and all!

Parker's shirt was more like a dress, but he didn't seem to mind.

Auntie Kimmie was on hand to help him reel in the big one.

Hailey fell in love with one poor shiner, and actually cried when it fell lifeless in her hands. I tried repeatedly to explain that it needed water, but she thought it really enjoyed her attention.

We were quite a crew.

Both Hailey and Parker almost passed out on the golf cart ride home.

Uncle Keith, aka Captain Fishing Rod.

And yes, of course there was swimming! Thank goodness for the heated Keys Gate pool, it was actually quite chilly while we were there.
All in all, it was busy and fun filled and fabulous. Don't worry, birthday pictures to follow! Yep, that's right, she is FOUR!