2010 has started with a bang! Its really so fun to start every new year celebrating my daughter's birthday. Hailey Elizabeth is now officially 4 years old...HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!?! She is 4, she is fabulous, she is smart, she is funny, she is beautiful, she is way too verbal, she has awesome attitude, and she is in all too many ways my daughter. And I'm lucky, and we have fun, and we fight, and I often don't win. I would post pictures from her multiple birthday celebrations, but they are all on the other computer and I can't handle how hideously slow the desktop is so just trust me, every party and happy birthday singing was super fun and exciting and worthy of my gorgeous girl.
Moving on...Hailey and I had a garage sale in January. She worked really hard, helped me decide what to sell, what to keep, which of Parker's toys were disposable, and stayed outside with me all morning while we sold off our clutter. This was her snack break in the front yard while we cleaned out the garage.

Parker has changed so much just in the past few months. He has fluffy, frizzy, curly, bleached
blonde hair, and plenty of it. He sings with Hailey, dances with Hailey, follows Hailey every.where.she.goes. He really, really wants to be Hailey. See...

This time of year has shown us why people live in Phoenix. Clear skies, and I mean not a single cloud to be found, 70 degrees, gorgeous. We are outside daily, and the backyard toys that felt so much love in Nashville are finally
feeling it again!

Parker, following Hailey's lead, has really taken to the
Maupin family love of books. He reads all day, or begs to be read to, or carries around books, or sits with Hailey on the steps, in his rocking chair, on the couch, on the floor, wherever they stop moving and sit still, and read together.

So we've been busy. And, of course, LOUD-